47 photos   4123 visits

member since 5 August 2011

some things about me

I was born 15 minutes before Cole, and I still use it to my advantage - hahaha :] I love surfing, snowboarding, playing video games, walking my dog, Bubba, acting and pretty much anything that is fun to do. I'm not sure if you want to hear a funny story about Cole and me, but here's one anyway. One morning, our school was planting new trees. I was playing on them when our principal told everyone in our school not to. I broke a limb off a tree and I said that Cole did it. The next morning at assembly when all the kids were sitting down, they announced his name and he got into really big trouble. I let him take the blame for a while, but then I told the principal it was really me. So, I was beaten with a stick. Just kidding!!!

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Comments • 1

xImVanessaMorgan 29 November 2011  
Hmmm ... hard!
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